Real Time SMS Send
You Can Send SMS by Location, Person, and Category, etc.
Travel Agent Software
ERP (Realestate, Medical, Education)
Payroll Software
Camera: 4 Pic
Adapter, DVR, Record, Warranty, etc.
Unlimited Traffic/Hits & Web Space IGL Web™ Ltd. is pleased to offer our customer unlimited traffic, hits and web space. To maintain the integrity of our service the usage of account for backup or file storage is not allowed as well as the following kind of activities, traffic and usage:
If you do not qualify for unlimited traffic/hits, your account may be required to be upgraded, or IGL Web™ Ltd. may upgrade your site to a different packages to others server, to reduce the load on the server you are currently residing. IGL Web™ Ltd. will be the sole arbiter as to what constitutes a violation of usage limitations. At any time IGL Web™ Ltd. may move your site to a different server, to reduce the load on the server you are currently residing.
IGL Web™ Ltd. may allow programs to run continually in the background, these are considered on a one to one basis and a extra charge may be incured based on system resources used and operational maintenance needed.
Spamming, or the sending of unsolicited email, from a IGL Web™ Ltd. server or using an email address that is maintained on a IGL Web™ Ltd. machine is STRICTLY prohibited. For general reference, we consider spam any email that is sent to more than 10 people at a time that did not ask for it to be sent to them.
IGL Web™ Ltd. will be the sole arbiter as to what constitutes a violation of this provision. Opt-In email is acceptable, as long as Opt-Out/Removal request are fully honored. Please make an effort to limit outgoing mail on your account to no more than 5000 pieces per DAY and no more than 20 pieces per minute. Many times we have seen sites push over 1000 emails in one hit, this causes extreme server loads and prevents other people from accessing server services. Large mailings are preferred to be sent from the hours of 12AM - 8AM EST. Sites with large mailing databases, need to be placed on dedicated server or VPS platform.
Any attempts to undermine or cause harm to a IGL Web™ Ltd. server or customer of IGL Web™ Ltd. is strictly prohibited. IGL Web™ Ltd. will pursue legal action to the fullest extent for all abuse of the IGL Web™ Ltd.
If any terms or conditions are failed to be followed it will result in grounds for account suspension/de-activation. IGL Web™ Ltd reserves the right to remove any account without prior notice. If IGL Web™ Ltd deactivates your account(s) for violating policy, your will forfeit your rights to a refund and none will be given. No refunds for advance payments, on de-activated accounts. Normal policy is a warning first, and account de-activation the second offense. Serious offenses may cause immediate de-activation.
The Terms of Service (TOS) are the rules and regulations that specify guidelines for using our services. Use of our services is subject to these terms. Please read them carefully and ensure that you understand and agree to all parts. Use of IGL Web™ Ltd. services implies agreement with these terms!
The following guidelines were designed to ensure that our services remain of the utmost quality. Please read very carefully before ordering and/or using IGL Web™ Ltd. services.
All services provided by IGL Web™ Ltd. may be used for lawful purposes only. Transmission, storage, or presentation of any information, data or material in violation of any United States Federal, State or City law is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: copyrighted material, material we judge to be threatening or obscene, or material protected by trade secret and other statue. The subscriber agrees to indemnify and hold harmless IGL Web™ Ltd. from any claims resulting from the use of the service which damages the subscriber or any other party.
Note: Pornography and sex-related merchandising are prohibited on any IGL Web™ Ltd. server. This includes sites that may infer sexual content, or Link to adult content elsewhere. This is also true for sites that promote any illegal activity or content that may be damaging to IGL Web™ Ltd. servers or any other server on the internet. Links to such materials are also prohibited. Contact our sales department for any clarifications.
WWW.IGLWEB.COM will be the sole arbiter as to what constitutes a violation of this provision, and reserves the right to deactivate and remove any site at any time for any reason without refund!
IGL Web™ Ltd. will respond to all reports of infringement that are formatted in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and any other applicable copyright laws. Notices of infringement that do not comply with this act will not be processed. We will act in accordance with the DMCA when handling infringement reports.
If IGL Web™ Ltd. system administration team determines that an account is utilizing an unacceptable amount of system resources, IGL Web™ Ltd. may temporarily deactivate the account in question. If IGL Web™ Ltd. staff deems necessary, an eviction notice may be sent to the customer of an offending account providing them with ten (10) days in which to either upgrade to a dedicated server or locate a new provider. This only occurs in extreme cases; IGL Web™ Ltd. will do all it can to assist customers prior to this scenario. IGL Web™ Ltd. will be the sole arbiter as to what constitutes a violation of this provision. Because of the nature of this provision, each account will be considered and analyzed individually.
IGL Web™ Ltd. performs nightly backups of shared and reseller servers; however, these backups are for IGL Web™ Ltd. administrative purposes only, and are in NO WAY GUARANTEED! Customers are responsible for maintaining their own backups on their own personal computers. IGL Web™ Ltd. does not provide any sort of compensation for lost or incomplete data in the event that backups do not function properly (even if the malfunction was due to negligence on IGL Web™ Ltd. part). We will do our best to ensure complete and accurate backups, but assume no responsibility for this duty. Always back your site up to your personal computer! We make no guarantees about the availability of backups.
SPAMing, or the sending of unsolicited email, from a IGL Web™ Ltd. server or using a return email address that is maintained on a IGL Web™ Ltd. server is STRICTLY prohibited. Using SPAM to advertise a site hosted on IGL Web™ Ltd. network also constitutes as a violation of this provision. IGL Web™ Ltd. will be the sole arbiter as to what constitutes a violation of this provision. Sites found to be in violation of our SPAM policies will be immediately deactivated and no refund will be issued. For anyone intentionally spamming on our systems, we reserve the right to bill them at rate of $80/hour for any cleanup, research, and related work from their illegal activities.
IGL Web™ Ltd. will be the sole arbiter as to what constitutes a violation of this provision. Accounts found in violation of this provision will be subject to immediate account deactivation without refund. IGL Web™ Ltd. will turn all available information about abuse incidents, including customer contact data, over to the proper authorities and press charges.
Failure to fully comply with these terms is grounds for account suspension and/or deactivation (with or without refund, subject to IGL Web™ Ltd. discretion). Any accounts and/or servers contained within IGL Web™ Ltd. network must adhere to the above policies.
PLEASE NOTE: We reserve the right to remove any account without prior notice. If we deactivate your account for violating policy, you will forfeit your rights to a refund--and none will be given. No refunds for advanced payment. Our normal policy is a warning first, and account deactivation the second offense, but no warning is required. IGL Web™ Ltd. reserves the right to deactivate and remove any site hosted on our servers that contains any content that it deems in its sole discretion to be unacceptable, undesirable or contraindicated.